How’s it going, everyone? Today, I want to tell you why money doesn’t stress me out.
A friend just recently asked me, “Bridger, how do you not seem stressed out about money when you’ve got stresses from your business, employees, and complications with your fund?”
In other words, “How do you manage financial stress?”
I want to share 3 tactics that you can use to manage this stress.
This means make sure you are not over leveraging your wealth.
If you have money now, that doesn’t mean you should go buy a big house, nice car, or whatever.
As soon as the market hiccups or you lose your job, you’re in panic mode.
For example, I could pay off my monthly expenses by working at McDonalds! I’m paying for a very modest lifestyle, which gives me so much leverage.
Additionally, you should diversify your wealth and income sources.
This is one of our core values at Fund Launch. We have a deep sense of honesty with everyone we work with.
I can sleep well at night knowing that we have dealt honestly with our clients and investors and that we’re doing the best we can for them.
This also means that I’m not afraid to share bad news with my investors. I will not commit fraud to make myself look good.
If your house is in order and you’re being honest, you’ll be able to think clearly and strategically about the next move.
For example, when the market crashes, take a step back and determine your options. What are your competitors’ weaknesses? How can you work with your current investors?
This tactic allows you to make rational and reasonable money decisions instead of emotional money decisions.
Like I said in my YouTube video…
For me, money doesn’t stress me out; it’s a game.
Why money doesn’t stress me out:
- I have my house in order
- I have integrity without compromise
- I play finance like a game
That’s it for today! Visit Fund Launch or my YouTube channel to learn more!
Want to get direct guidance for your fund? Schedule a time with my Fund Advisors!