What’s up, everyone? Today, I’m telling you why I quit my finance job to start funds!

I was a young entrepreneur/college student; I started 6 different businesses!
I was doing Chinese tutoring, flipping houses, and completing finance internships all at the same time.
One day, I visited my dad’s business partner at his beautiful home.
This man explained the world of investment funds to me. At the time, he was managing over $8 billion of real estate.
That’s when I decided to start a fund!
A year later, I got a corporate finance job offer in Silicon Valley that offered 6 figures plus bonuses! However, I was still interested in funds.
I started a micro-fund and raised $49,000, but everyone was still telling me to work on Wall Street!
They told me I couldn’t launch a successful investment fund until I had worked about 20 years on Wall Street.
Later, as I was about to commit to my finance job, I remembered my manager I had at my internship.
He worked himself to the bone; he was working 70 hours a week for 12 years and was probably making around $800,000 a year.
That’s a great salary. BUT, I thought, “If I spent a decade working in finance, that’s what I would make. How much could I make if I spent a decade working with my own business? Possibly more!”
Like I mentioned in my video, I remembered this quote:
“People overestimate what they can do in 1 year and underestimate what they can do in a decade.”
Bill Gates
2019 (Still)
My wife and I prayed about it, and we felt like we should turn down the job offer and go after these entrepreneurial pursuits.
Which is crazy! Most of my family and friends thought I was insane!
Just 2 months later, Mason Vranes and I started this company, Fund Launch.
We’ve gone from zero to $16M in sales in 2.5 years!
Then I launched my 2nd fund, along with a 3rd (raising $10M).
It took me only 3 years to beat my boss’s income!
But that’s not the point. It’s about the journey! We’re still building those companies and seeing growth.
Money aside, choose your career based on the things you’ll learn; I’m learning so much right now!
That’s why I quit my finance job to start funds!
So, if you think you need to work in finance for 20 years before you start your fund, you’re wrong (respectively).
I’m living proof that you, the average Joe/Jill, can do this!
If you need help starting or scaling your fund, check out Fund Launch to get started!
That’s it for today!
Want to get direct guidance for your fund? Schedule a time with my Fund Advisors!
DISCLAIMER: This content is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not to be taken as tax, financial, or legal advice. You should always consult a legal professional before taking action. Furthermore, this is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security. The content is solely just the opinion of the authors.