What’s up everybody? How are we??
I apologize again for my sporadic writing, but we’ve been all over the place here.
Exciting news, we just got a new office! Got a beautiful view overlooking the snowcapped Wasatch Mountains now.
Let me know if you want to swing by;)
Today, I wanted to detract from my normal technical jargon and tell you all about our recent Black Card Summit.
You guys, it was unreal.
We threw the Summit at the world famous Snowbird Ski Resort (which is arguably more stunning in the fall than winter) over the span of three days.
150 hungry fund managers all coming together made for an event that none of us will ever forget.
I want to break down what I learned personally and what you all can bear in mind moving forward.
We’ve all heard it before, “it’s not what you know, but who you know.”
Let me assure you that there is perhaps not a single other space where this principle rings more true.
The success of your fund is almost entirely based on your ability to create and foster relationships with potential investors, partners, strategists, etc.
And that’s exactly what motivated my team and I to come together to throw this event.

We wanted to provide an environment where our best and brightest clients could come together and grow into a community that would open doors no one could have had access to previously.
I saw just how much value was generated for those in attendance by simply being there. I’ve found that online the general attitude for connecting and helping each other out is largely negative, or at the very least there is a lot of hesitancy.
However, once you’re all in the same room and mingling it’s an entirely different story. My goodness, it was like people could not have been more eager to provide possible solutions, needed help, and introductions to those around them.
I personally had conversations with several people who said their fund launch process was greatly expedited just being around the people they were for those three days.
Something interesting to note, was how useful the non-business related sessions were for our group. We packed a variety of activities into the three days including a poker night, private tram ride to the top of the mountain, and an afternoon at Vivint Arena.
We found that those were some of the things that people loved the most, over the speakers and breakout sessions, which was really interesting and illustrated where people really bond.
Moving forward I’ll be sure to look for experiential situations that I can take advantage of with those I want to work with.
With all that being said about networking the speakers were unreal. We heard from the from all sorts of business figures, from fund managers to economists to life coaches.
All in all, I left feeling like the speakers gave our Black Card clients a plethora of tools that they will now be able to use to successfully launch and run their own fund.
It was discussed how important leadership, communication, and an expert level of skill and understanding are necessary to be a fund manager.
And yet, the group was able to take a step back and see what really matters in life. Family, friends, balance. All things that resonated with all in attendance.
Randy Garn – our closing speaker, who has his hand in a million different fields – taught a very wise principle in his remarks.
He has observed first hand how driving value as high as possible was the greatest indicator of success.
So that’s what I’m trying to be all about now, driving value for my clients and to all those who learn from me.
That’s why I do the blog, my YouTube channel, and most of all my fund launch program, to bring this knowledge to the masses.
If you want to see a really brief summary of all we did at the Black Card Summit, please click here.
It really was unbelievable you guys. On the last day one of my team managers and I were getting a little choked up looking at everything come to fruition.
And that’s why I decided to throw a bigger event. Lolz
Stay tuned rebels for an upcoming fund manager mega event in Vegas spring of 2022.
It’s going to be NUTS.
See you all soon.
Want to get direct guidance for your fund? Schedule a time with my Fund Advisors!
DISCLAIMER: This content is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not to be taken as tax, financial, or legal advice. You should always consult a legal professional before taking action. Furthermore, this is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security. The content is solely just the opinion of the authors.