Hey everyone, how’s it going? Today, I’m summing up my interview with Ryan Tseko, who went from pilot to a multi-billion-dollar fund manager.
Ryan Tseko is the Executive VP of Cardone Capital, where they managed to raise over a billion dollars from retail investors!
His fund makes it possible for regular people to get into multifamily real estate deals, which is amazing!
Ryan Tseko
“So, tell me about yourself, Ryan!”
Ryan: I started my career by taking out a massive student loan and flew commercial airlines from the ages 21 to 30.
On the side, I did real estate deals by myself, and it was super tough.
Then, I met Grant Cardone, and he has been quite the mentor to me. I moved to Miami and started working for him when I was 30.
I’ve been working with him every day for 9 years now!
Bridger: So, how does a pilot turn into a multi-billion-dollar fund manager?
Ryan: I just took it a day at a time; I was constantly asking Grant for things I could do to help him.
I love responsibility, and I did a good job of staying on top of things and following through with Grant’s assignments.
I asked a lot of questions and surrounded myself with the 3rd party admin, with attorneys, and other highly motivated/productive individuals.
Bridger: Some people may look at your story and say, “Wow, how lucky!”
That’s not how entrepreneurship works.
There were hundreds of other people that had the same opportunity as you: to align themselves with a professional like Cardone, but you’re the one who put the work in.
Ryan went on to say that he treated and continues to treat others as equals and learns from them.
Just because he’s the Executive VP, doesn’t mean he’s not constantly asking Grant questions and learning.
Additionally, when Tseko was given a task, he did the best he could.
Because he showed Cardone that he could take care of the private jet in the exact way that his boss wanted, he was given more responsibility on the real estate side.
Proximity is Power
Just being around successful people and actively learning from them is powerful.
I believe that things like motivation, creativity, and drive are contagious!
Capital Markets
Bridger: What have you observed the past 12 months as you have been raising capital? How have you adjusted?
Ryan: We do zoom calls or whatever we can to get client interaction, we’re not just hoping and praying that we get investors.
We also have investors wire in the capital as soon as they commit. There’s no wait period for them to flake out.
Then, we pay them 4% as soon as we get their money, so when a deal comes around, we don’t have to do a capital call and wait, we send the money right away.
Well, that’s quick version of how Ryan Tseko went from being a pilot to a multi-million-dollar fund manager!
Click here to check out the rest of interview!
Also, visit Fund Launch to get help starting or scaling your own investment fund!
That’s it for today!
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