How’s it going, everyone? Today, I’m going over a recent interview: From MLB to real estate king – DJ Thielen.

Meet DJ Thielen
DJ Thielen has quite the experience with real estate. He has dealt with 3500+ properties and has done $350M in transactions!
Before he got involved with real estate, he was drafted to the MLB and played for the San Fransisco Giants!
This was in 1991, when he was the Giant’s 6th pick!
DJ: I played with a lot of big names, and I often get asked,
“What was the thing that separated the big-league guys from the minor league guys?”
Of course, work ethic and showing up plays a part, but it all came down to one thing:
Those that believed they could perform better than they actually could seemed like they were tapping into extra power.
The all-stars had talent and they believed in themselves.
Call it faith or vision, but all of these successful players knew where they wanted to be.
DJ went on to say that he left the MLB to ultimately make time for his son and pursue entrepreneurship.
He worked for a home security company, but soon left to be a key employee at a startup.
Thielen then left that company to start his own, and he ended up selling that company.
He later went to a real estate event and was hooked!
Real Estate
DJ said he bought 30+ doors with his extra cash and stumbled through the hoops of property management.
Over time, however, he developed relationships with different REO agents and put systems into place.
He would buy the properties in full either using his cash or a real estate fund.
Before he knew it, he was selling 100 properties a month!
Today, DJ owns 800 doors with no partners!
He mentioned in the YouTube interview that…
“That’s the great thing about real estate. There’s no one way to do it. You can have multiple investors owning portions of multiple doors, or do most of it on your own.”
“For me, I liked to have the leverage. I liked calling the shots. It’s how I started, and I just stuck with it.”
Closing Q & A
Bridger: How does real estate look going forward?
DJ: You’ll never be sure of the future. However, real estate can be a success for anyone. If you have the right mindset, you’ll always be looking for the upside and find great opportunities.
Bridger: What’s something that makes a good real estate investor vs. a bad one?
DJ: Good real estate investors are optimists. There are always unexpected circumstances.
It’s also hard to be an investor if you’re highly emotional. There are so many high highs and lower lows that you just need to be level-headed and calm.
So, that’s how DJ Thielen went from MLB to real estate king!
I hope you learned something about having the right attitude towards real estate investing.
Visit Fund Launch and related content to learn how to start your own real estate fund!
That’s it for today!
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