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Tuesday, August 22nd  @ 1pm EST


Who is this live call for?
👉 Business owners who want to scale or buy out their competitors

👉Traders who want to 10x or 20x their Portfolio

👉 Syndicators who want to take down bigger deals

👉 Existing fund managers who want to pitch Institutional investors

By The End Of The Live Call, You Will Know:

- Why you haven't been able to scale with predictability

- How to use a fund to scale

- The 3 key roles you need to have to successfully launch a fund

- A new twist on the proven 4-Step Fund Launch Formula

(surprise bonus):

We're bringing 3 special guests to discuss how they are using a fund to hedge against market volatility and scale their massive portfolios.

So join me on August 22nd  as I dive deep into the unusual landscape of Q4 and how you can come out on top!

Lead By: Bridger Pennington

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Co-Founder of Fund Launch
Founder of 3 Funds

CEO of Fund Launch
Founder of 3 Funds

Hosted By:

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Over 60,000 Members World-Wide

Responsible For Launching Hundreds Of Funds

Featured in Bloomberg & Other Publications

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Praesent sodales ut justo at porta. Suspendisse euismod

#1 Nam egestas velit ante. Sed erat

Nam egestas velit ante. Sed erat nisl, luctus vel fermentum ac, volutpat nec nunc. Nullam molestie, est a varius cursus, eros nibh molestie sem, a tristique enim felis sit amet sem. Phasellus accumsan ultrices leo, ac maximus diam.

#2 Morbi ut feugiat sem Nullam tincid

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias,numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt,recusandae.

#3 Morbi ex ante, mattis nec interdum

Nullam molestie, est a varius cursus, eros nibh molestie sem, a tristique enim felis sit amet sem. Phasellus accumsan ultrices leo, ac maximus diam efficitur ut. Sed turpis eros, mollis eu risus vitae, ultrices suscipit felis. Suspendisse aliquam feugiat ex, nec facilisis risus.

Praesent non pellentesque velit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.

Praesent non pellentesque velit. Nulla ut nibh quis lorem porttitor 00:00:00

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All Information Shared Are The Sole Thoughts and Opinions Of The Author. Do Not Take Any Information As Legal Or Financial Advice. You Should Seek A Certified Accountant And A Professional Legal Team Before Taking Any Further Action.

*Results may vary depending on a number of factors, including but not limited to market conditions, investor demand, and investment strategy. While our courses are designed to provide you with the knowledge and tools necessary to launch a fund, we cannot guarantee any specific results or outcomes. Your success will depend on your own efforts, diligence, and ability to execute on the strategies and techniques that you decide to pursue. We make no representation or warranty that you will achieve any particular level of success or earnings, and you accept the risk that the results may differ from those described in our materials.

**Any reported Client AUM figure is historical and is based on figures clients have reported to us. It includes estimated amounts based on available information. The figure has not been independently verified and should not be considered audited or verified by a third party. We reserve the right to modify, amend, or remove the AUM statement at any time without prior notice. We make no warranties or representations, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the AUM figure or any other information provided on this website.

***We are not selling or soliciting a security in any way, shape, or form. This content is for educational purposes only and is not financial or legal advice.

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